Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Girls, Girls, Girls -- A look at this year's greatest female voices thus far

Yes ladies, you can do it--and you can do it very well. This year I've come across some amazing female vocalists who not only possess an amazing pair of pipes or or a butt load of creativity, but also a certain attitude that just yells, "I too can have a penis" or "I like shitting with the door open" or "I know they're still there, I just like touching them." Okay maybe that pushing it a little. But nevertheless, many of these women of today's music world are doing it better than the men--being musicians that is. Not all that gross stuff I said before like the time when you smell your hand just after you--nevermind. All jokes aside, these women have shown the music world heartache, bravado, and hell in a hand basket. But this is no passing trend, oh no. This is here to stay for good.


2.  Tennis - "Mathon" (Alaina Moore)
3.  Best Coast - "When I'm With You" (Bethany Cosentino)
4.  Beach House - "Walk in the Park" (Victoria Legrand)
5.  Cults - "Oh My God" (Madeleine Follin)
7.  XX -"Islands" (Romy Madley Croft)
8.  The Dead Weather -"I'm Mad" (Allison Moss)

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